BRPW Insights & Videos
Secondary Private Equity Funds
Given current market dynamics, secondary private equity funds now offer a particularly attractive avenue for investors looking to participate in the private equity market. “Secondary funds” or “secondaries” are investment vehicles run by managers that specialize in acquiring interests in existing private equity assets from the original investor.
How Can I Better Protect My Cash?
In the United States, when most people put cash in the bank, they assume it’s still going to be there when they wake up the next day. This fundamental assumption was recently tested in the second- and third-largest bank failures in U.S. history.
Can Active Management Benefit Your Portfolio?
Is private market investing naturally passive? No. That’s important to understand if you are allocating investments into private equity, venture capital, real estate, or private credit for your portfolio.
The FTX Collapse Should Create a Reckoning for Private Market Due Diligence
Last year’s stunning collapse of FTX has inevitably led to questions about whether founder Sam Bankman-Fried intentionally misled and defrauded his investors.
Ballast Rock Private Wealth Webinar - January 2023
Ballast Rock Private Wealth Webinar - January 2023
During the webinar the team discuss the need for the 60/40 model to evolve so it can continue to best serve investors and advisors alike, why we’ve seen institutional investors increasing their allocations to private assets in recent years and why it’s time for individual investors to consider doing the same.
Private Assets Like Real Estate Can Create a ‘New’ 60-40 Model for Portfolios
For decades, many financial advisors have followed a formula for traditional client portfolio allocation which could broadly be described as 60% in equities and 40% in bonds, otherwise known as the 60-40 model.
Noted Financial Services Executive Emily Glassman Joins Ballast Rock Private Wealth
Ballast Rock Private Wealth, a Registered Investment Advisor with a focus on private-market investments, today announced that financial services executive Emily Glassman has joined as a Senior Advisor.